What Is It That Makes Dry Poultry Waste the Best Lawn and Garden Fertilizer?

If you are working hard to make your lawn and the plants in your garden strong and green, but your efforts don’t seem to bring the results that you expect, you might want to step up your game replacing the fertilizer that you currently use with a product based on dehydrated poultry waste. Here some things that make the solution work so great for all grass species.

What Makes Good Poultry Waste

Ideally, the poultry waste used for fertilizing the soil and for nourishing your plants should come from animals that have been fed only natural ingredients – any waste coming from hens, ducks or turkeys that have been given food that contains antibiotics or other artificial substances to accelerate their growth will transfer all those unwanted ingredients into the soil and implicitly into the plants, too.

best lawn fertilizer

What Makes Poultry Waste Such a Good Fertilizer

Poultry waste is one of the best, all-natural, organic sources of the most important ingredients required for plant development: nitrogen, essential for plant growth and healthy metabolism; phosphorous, essential for healthy cell division, root growth and resistance and potassium, responsible for plant strength and drought resistance. Besides containing these essential nutrients in concentrated form, poultry waste contains the bacteria used by the digestive tract of the chicken, duck or turkey to decompose organic matter – bacteria that are beneficial for the texture of the soil treated with the waste as well as for the plants. For these reasons poultry waste is an ingredient included in the best lawn fertilizer.

Other Benefits

Dry poultry waste comes with great benefits in terms of costs and durability, too. The material is readily available from many farms or even directly, from your own poultry, which means that poultry waste is among the cheapest fertilizers available. The material can also be stored for a long time without the risk of diminished efficiency or lost fertilizing capacity.

How to Use Poultry Waste

Poultry waste contains all these important nutrients in concentrated form that is much too acid for most plants. Consequently, the best ways to use poultry waste is either to apply it in a diluted form or to turn the waste into compost. If you decide to use diluted poultry waste, you will need 4-10 liters of water for 1 kilogram of poultry waste, depending on how resistant your plants are and on the ideal concentration of the fertilizer they need. If you choose the latter solution, be prepared that it takes at least half a year to make good quality compost from poultry waste and that you will have to put in some work into the process, too, regularly turning and watering the collected waste. You can also use poultry waste mixed with other types of compost – if this is the method of choice, add the poultry manure in a concentration of 10%.

Dehydrated poultry waste is also a common ingredient in the organic fertilizer products available in garden stores. These products come with the additional benefit of already having the right composition to be used directly on your soil and they do not have the unpleasant odor of compost.